Company Model

Property Value Description Notes
id integer The id of the company.
name string The name of the company.
ein string The employer identification number of the company.
dba string The trade name of the company.
address string The street address of the company.
address_2 string The second line of the company address.
city string The city of the company address.
state string The abbreviation of the company state.
e.g. GA
zip string The zip code of the company address
email string The contact email address of the company.
contact_name string The contact name of the company.
contact_number string The contact phone number of the company.
company_number string The phone number of the company.
mail_address string The mailing street address of the company.
mail_address_2 string The second line of the company mailing address.
mail_city string The city of the company mailing address.
mail_state string The state abbreviation of the company mailing address.
e.g. GA
mail_zip string The zip code of the company mailing address.